Getting Into Cars With Strange Men – Part 1 of 4

2018-02-20T05:15:45-08:00February 20th, 2018|

You know when you were young and your Mum always told you not to take sweets from strangers and your school used to have sessions about not getting in cars with strange men? When did that change to the point that one random October Sunday I decided it was a good idea to make plans for a strange guy to pick me up and take me to the woods for a walk? It’s funny how things change; at eight I would have been shouting “STRANGER DANGER” to ward him off, but at 32 I was hoping it would be romantic.

You And Me Does Not Equal One Plus One

2018-02-16T05:56:30-08:00February 16th, 2018|

When it comes to dating someone new, I’m sure most of us have been guilty of rushing a little bit ahead of ourselves at one time, at least I know I have. Hell, that’s my go to when I meet someone new! But when is it flattering and when is it too much?

Women Can Be Assholes Too

2018-02-13T18:28:26-08:00February 13th, 2018|

This blog of mine is in no way meant to man-bash. Despite the frustrations I may have encountered with dating, and my experience with my ex-husband, and some of the shitty things guys have done, I’m still pro-men, I’m still pro-dating, I’m still pro-relationships.

Blah, Blah, Blah & Blah

2018-02-09T06:32:26-08:00February 9th, 2018|

After the excitement of Arms, I guess I knew the next dates would be... interesting. Physically they had a lot to hold up to. Sexually, if it got that far, they were going to have to be out of this world. And on a common connection level they’d need to be pretty spot on. Unfortunately, if not unsurprisingly, none of those marks were hit.

The Arrival Of Arms – Part 1 of 2

2018-02-02T05:00:43-08:00February 2nd, 2018|

Offering to play tour guide for two Kiwi guys who were in town for a couple of days, I knew it wasn’t going to be the most conventional of Tinder dates but I’m not sure I could have imagined just how unexpectedly it would turn out…

Perfection On Paper

2018-01-23T06:50:04-08:00January 23rd, 2018|

Matching with someone on dating apps, like Bumble or Tinder, is about as meaningful as waking up with a hangover and saying you’re not going to drink again. There is no substance to it, it’s borne out of necessity and the likelihood of you following through with it is probably 5%.

When Are Seconds Sloppy?

2018-01-08T05:36:20-08:00January 8th, 2018|

Vancouver isn’t a big place. So I guess it was just a matter of time before one of my other single girlfriends’ and my dating paths crossed. Did I think it would be with a guy whose messages and drunk calling to my girlfriend we’d ridiculed? Unlikely.

It’s Getting Crowded In Here

2018-01-03T05:42:20-08:00January 3rd, 2018|

How do you know when you’re unfairly not giving someone a chance based on your own personal biases and when you’re actually making a good decision based on what you just inherently know you will/won’t like?


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